Monday, April 14 1760

…Gave Mrs Hannah Atkins in cash £10 in exchange for a bank post bill (received of her)… In the afternoon Mr William Francis, rider to Messrs Barlow and Wigginton, called on me. I gave him the bank post bill I received of Mrs Atkins today, out of which he is to send me from Mayfield 1.19.0, so that when I have received it I shall have paid him 8.1.0, which is in full on my account to Messrs Barlow and Wigginton to the 12th of March last. Mr Francis and Dame Couzens of Laughton and Dame Fitness drank tea with us. At home all day and quite ill.

In the evening wrote my London letters. Paid Mr Laurence Thornton in goods and cash 12/- in full for a quarter of oats he bought for me of T. Reeve.

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