Monday, April 7 1760

In the morning my brother William brought my horse home and he and Mr Elless dined with us on a shoulder of veal stuffed and roasted. After dinner I went down to Jones’s to the vestry, where I made up the parish accounts between John Cayley and the parish and there was a balance of 3.0.3½ due to John Cayley. William Piper was chosen overseer, Joseph Fuller electioner; John Cayley churchwarden, Joseph Durrant electioner. Came home about 8:10.

Paid John Cayley 14/8 for my poor tax. My brother William stayed with my wife till about 6:10. My wife’s brother Sam Slater came to see us in the afternoon and stayed at our house all night. As John Cayley came home from the vestry he called and paid me 10.3.6 in full; viz.,

To my bill on the parish for goods8.17.11½
To money paid T. Ling0.12.6
To do. Richard Braizer0.7.6
Widow Trill for spinning0.2.7½
Do.            do.0.0.11
To making the poor rate0.2.0

In the evening wrote my London letters. We had several warm arguments at our vestry today and several volleys of execrable oaths oftentimes resounded from almost all sides of the room, a most rude and shocking thing at public meetings…

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