Wednesday, April 2 1760

Rec’d of Mr Thomas and Henry Osborne in cash £2, which is in full on their account and I gave them the note of hand they gave me the 8th of February for the same sum. Mr Charles Hill called on me in the morning and breakfasted with us, and after breakfast we set out for Tunbridge Wells, Mr Hill for to endeavor to find a place to set up at and I to see my brother.

We dined at my brother’s on some mutton chops… We drank tea at my brother’s, and came away about 5:05. We called at Boarshead Street and stayed some little time with my aunt Ovendean. We came home about 9:30 and thank God both very sober. Spent nothing today, only 3d I gave my brother’s children. Mr Hill stayed at our house all night.

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