Friday, July 4 1760

In the forenoon my sister Sally came to see us and she with my cousin Hill dined with us on a forequarter of lamb roasted, a cauliflower, carrots and cucumber. After dinner my uncle came in and he dined with us on the remains of what we left. They all stayed and drank tea with us, and then went home… Paid Mr Sam Beckett in cash 2.11.0 which is in full for the same sum he paid in London for me this week; viz.,

Jul 3.To Mr Stanley Crowder & Co2.8.0
To a bottle of pectoral balsam of honey0.3.0

Paid Richard Fuller 2/9 for a forequarter of lamb received today weighing 8¼ lbs. At home all day, but not very busy. In the evening read part of the London Magazine for June.

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