Monday, July 7 1760

Rec’d of Mrs Virgoe in cash 3.19.0 to send by the post to the widow Taylor in Lewes, which is in full on account of the widow Virgoe to the widow Taylor, and which sum I accordingly sent by the post… This day balanced accounts with Mr Will Piper and paid him 15½d in full. I then received of him in cash 1.3.9 in full for the same sum paid for him on account of the parish; viz.,

To Thomas Ling0.12.6
To Richard Braizer0.7.6
To Widow Trill for spinning0.3.9

This day finished making the land and window tax books, which I sent by Mr Box to the sitting at Maresfield to have signed by the commissioners, and which I received back again by him again in the evening. In the afternoon my brother came over and brought my horse. In the evening wrote my London letters.

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