Friday, July 25 1760

…We dined on a boiled carp, a piece of pork boiled and French beans. My wife paid a servant (or son) of Mr Ed Heaver’s, miller at Isfield, 5/4 in full for 1 bushel of oatmeal received by him. In the evening went to Bentley and looked at Mr Jones’s wool, today which I bought at 8½d per lb. From thence I went to Mr Sam Gibbs’s to look at his, which was at Will Goad’s, where Mr Gibbs and I walked to see it, and I bought Mr Gibbs’s at 8½d and Mr Goad‘s at 8d. From thence we went to Laughton Pound, where stayed about an hour. I spent 12d and came home about 9:20, but not thoroughly sober, though far from being drunk.

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