Sunday, January 4 1761

No service at our church the morning on account of the death of Miss Porter.. …We dined on a calf’s head, a piece of bacon, turnips, potatoes and greens boiled. Mr Jones, curate of Waldron, preached at our church in the afternoon from the latter part of Matthew 1:21: “And thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.”

After dinner my brother went to Lewes for me. Myself and servant only at church in the afternoon. In the evening Thomas Davy at our house, to whom I read three of Tillotson’s sermons. This day received of Richard Hope 1.12.0 for a year’s land tax due at St Michael’s last. Rec’d of Thomas Fuller in cash 8.11.0 in full for the same sum he received in Lewes for me yesterday; viz.,

Of Mr William Michell for ½ year’s land tax for Halland House7.19.0
Of Mr Burtenshaw for ½ year’s land tax for late Fowler’s0.12.0

both due at St Michael last. My wife, poor creature, very bad. My brother stayed with us again all night.

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