Thursday, January 1 1761

In the morning set out for Chailey. Called at Framfield and breakfasted with my brother. I dined at Mr George Beard’s on some hog’s chap and knuckle boiled, a plain hard pudding and greens…

This being the day that my brother Richard’s apprenticeship expired, I and Mr Beard cancelled my brother’s indentures and Mr Beard paid my brother in cash £14, agreeable to a note of hand he gave my brother when bound, and I accordingly delivered him up his note of hand. I also took up of him a note of hand which my mother gave Mr Beard when my brother was bound, promising to pay him 24/- if he should think proper to demand it when my brother’s time was expired, which Mr Beard did not, but generously gave me the said note up. My brother delivered to me to keep for him 12.12.0, but I have given him no note or anything to show for it…

I called at Framfield and drank tea with my brother. My wife, poor creature, very ill. Oh, most melancholy situation. Paid Mr South 4/6 in full for 3 diuretic draughts for my horse.

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