Easter-Monday, March 23 1761

In the morning our late servant Mary Martin came over to assist me today… In the afternoon I went down to Jones’s, there being a public vestry, when I balanced the accounts between Mr Will Piper the overseer and the parish, and there remained due to the parish the sum of 3.0.9½. The officers nominated for this ensuing year are Will Piper, churchwarden; Joseph Fuller, electioneer; Jeremiah French and John Vine Jr, overseers, and John Browne and Joseph Durrant, electioners.

Rec’d of Will Piper 6.13.10 in full for the parish account. And then I paid him 17/- in full for my poor tax. Rec’d of John Cayley 1.6.8 in full for the bread and wine for the communion for the year now past, and also received of him in cash £2 in full for a year’s land tax due for Mr Browne’s mills, and then I paid him 2/- in full for the use of Mrs Browne’s seat in the church, due some time in February last. Came home about 5:50.

My wife, poor creature, very ill indeed, almost past description… Rec’d of Mr William Piper today 8/- for Dame Novice. Our late servant stayed at our house all night.

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