Paid Mr French the 36/- borrowed of him the 24th; also paid him 9d which he spent on the parish account. About 9:30 George Hyland sent word to us that he would be married today if the parish stood to their agreement as before. Whereupon Mr French, Joseph Fuller and Mr Porter agreed to it. Whereupon I and Stephen Clinch and Thomas Fuller went to Laughton to get the parson ready, but he was not at home. Then Thomas Fuller went back for Mr Porter. Joseph Fuller walked to Laughton along with George Hyland and Ann Durrant, and Mr French went to call the clerk. After we had stayed at the church some time, Mr Porter came and married them in the presence of Mr French, Joseph Fuller, Robert Durrant, myself and several people as ringers in the belfry. Stephen Clinch was father to give her away. Stephen Clinch and Joseph Fuller signed the register. They were married by 11:35. I paid Mr Porter for Mr Shenton’s fees 0.10.6
do. the clerk | 0.2.6 |
do. the ringers etc. | 0.2.11 |
…Borrowed of Mr Porter in cash 6.10.0 and of Joseph Fuller 10/6. Lent John Jones 6.10.0. As we came back, we called at Mr Coates’s, but did not stay. We dined at Jones’s on a leg of mutton and bacon boiled with greens and turnips… We stayed till near 8 o’clock. My brother came over today, but did not stay. In the evening wrote my London letters…