Monday, April 18 1757

In the morning walked over to Framfield. Called as I went at Francis Gibbs’s and received of him 7/- in full for poor tax. After I had breakfasted at my mother’s, Mr Bray and Mr Holman of Chiddingly called on me to go to Maresfield in order to get our poor books signed. We accordingly set out together and arrived at Maresfield about 11:10. I paid Mr John Bannister for my mother (with money she gave me) 5/8 in full. We dined at the Chequer at the 2nd sitting… I got Mr Callaway’s certificate signed, Stephen Clinch coming, there, and made the proper oath for such occasions. We called at my mother’s in our way home… We came home about 7:10. Mr Holman and Mr Gray stayed and drank a bottle of beer with me. I spent this day as under:

On the parish account
To verifying the book, warrant and summons0.6.0

of which sum I have had but 2/- brought to account.

Spent on account of the certificate[0.3.4]
Signing by George Courthope and Elfred Staples Esqs0.2.0
Gave Clinch0.1.0
Spent on him  0.0.4,

which is 4d more than the man left me. I verified my parish accounts on oath before Elfred Staples and George Courthope Esqs. There was a great concourse of people. I believe there were 60 or 70 dined at both sittings. In the evening read part of the newspaper.

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