Saturday, November 4 1758

After breakfast Mr Elless and myself went to Springham where we met Mr Mason and measured a very large coppice. We came home about 6:50 quite tired, having neither eaten nor drunk in the time of our absence from home, unless it was about 2 oz gingerbread…

My cousin Bett Ovendean and my brother Moses dined with my wife on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some fried veal. And my cousin Thomas Ovendean came in the afternoon and they stayed till about 5:20. After I came home, I read part of The London Magazine for October, as also a poor empty piece of tautology Called A Serious Advice to the Public to Avoid the Danger of Inoculation, in which he says a physician can only know and be the proper person to perform the operation, and that a surgeon can know nothing about it.

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