Monday, November 17 1760

Paid Mr Will Piper in cash 3.1.6, which with the 4.4.0 I paid him the 3rd instant makes together the sum of 7.5.6 and is in full for the same sum paid by Mr George Tomlin per his order to Mr William Margesson on my account on or about the 25th day of September last past. Balanced accounts with my father Slater, and received of him 3.14.5 in full, and also received of him in cash £3, which I am to send to Mr Thomas White, ironmonger, at the Sun in Upper Thames Street, London, for him, and is in full on his account. My father Slater stayed and dined with us on some boiled whiting and some broiled herrings, and then went away. At home all day. My wife extremely ill again. In the evening wrote my London letters.

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