Finished writing out Mr Porter’s bill and wrote out several more. About 2:40 my wife went down to Whyly. I also went there about 5:30. We stayed and supped there and came home about 1 o’clock. Mr and Mrs French, Mr Calverley and myself and wife and John French played at brag till supper; my wife and I both won 2/1. We gave the maid 6d a piece, that is both of us, 12d in all. I balanced accounts with Mr Sam Virgoe Sr and paid him 10/4¼ in full to this day (the rent of my schoolhouse excepted, which will be 1 year’s rent at new Lady Lay next, value 2.10.0).
Due to Mr Virgoe for 25 lbs of wool at 7d rec’d this summer 0.14.7
Do. for 1¼ yrs’ rent for the chamber over the butcher’s shop, due at St. Michael last, but he took only one year’s, and is in full for the one year’s, and is in full for the whole 0.10.0
My bill on Mr Virgoe to this day 0.14.2¾
This sum I paid him as before mentioned in presence of Mr Calverley. Afterwards I balanced accounts with Mr Jeremiah French and paid him in cash 0.18.0, which is in full to this day except 3/- for horse-keeping, 4 lbs hops and 1 gallon of peas I owed Mr French as under:
For 217 fleeces of wool weighing 13 tod 23 lbs at 16/- per tod, rec’d in September, 1753 10.19.6
Ditto 6 loads of wood rec’d in the year 1753 3.0.0
Ditto by a balance of some cash paid to Messrs Margesson and Collison for me in the year 1754 6.10.9
Ditto by poor tax for the year 1754 0.10.0
Rec’d by the carriage of goods from Lewes in December, 1754, 0.15.0
Ditto by cash paid to Francis Smith by Messrs Swainstone and Hedges for my use the 13th August, 1755 1.10.8
Ditto 119 fleeces of wool weighing 7 tod 14 lbs at 7d per lb, rec’d the 21 August, 1755 6.18.10
Ditto a fat hog weighing 26 stone 7¼ at 2/-, rec’d the 3rd January, 1756 2.14.0
My bill on Mr French to this day — including the Parish bill for 1754 and Mr Chatfield’s bill for nails used at Chiddingly, which I gave him a receipt for on the 9th September, 1755 but dated it the 28th July, 1755 32.0.11¾