Tuesday, August 12 1755

Sent Messrs Margesson and Collison by Frank Smith, paid to him in hand, 13.10.0 and returned them at the same time as under:

6 susis at 21d              0.10.6

3 do. at 24                   0.6.0

1 Doz linen                 0.5.0

1 doz do.                     0.6.6

1 doz do.                     0.6.9

1 doz do.                     0.7.9

1 doz do.                     0.8.0

L doz do.                     0.9.0

1 doz do.                     0.10.0


This day Mrs Virgoe dined with us on a shoulder of venison. Mrs Vine Jr drank tea with us in the afternoon. At home all day. Paid for bread ½d. In the evening read part of the 4th volume of The Tatler, in which I find some very agreeable stories, in particular one wherein a beautiful and virtuous young lady is ruined by a young debauchee and a sordid parent, his father.