Friday, July 2 1762

…In the evening Mr Buller and I ran a race of 20 rods for a bottle of cider, and I had the good fortune to beat him. He, myself and Joseph Fuller Jr went to Jones’s in the evening where I spent 4d and came home sober. Oh, sure there never was so dull a time for trade or money. I think I shall be quite distracted for money and cannot anyways get any in.

Tuesday, June 29 1762

Delivered to Pen Shelley by my servant in cash £42 in order for him to pay the same in London for me… I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some garden beans.

At home all day. In the afternoon posted my day book and really very little to do all day. A melancholier time I never knew in my life. Oh, my unfortunate person?

Monday, June 28 1762

I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a cauliflower and some carrots boiled. Sent Mr Richard Waite at the Devizes… 4.7.0. in full on an account with Mr Richard Waite.

At home all day. In the afternoon Bett Mepham drank tea with me. In the evening wrote my London letters. We had a fine moderate shower of rain for about 6 hours.

Sunday, June 27 1762

Myself and both servants at church in the morning… Sam Jenner dined with me on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some carrots. No churching at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Mayfield.

After dinner Mr Long, myself and Sam Jenner rode to Lewes and all went to the Church of All Saints where we heard a sermon preached by the Rev Mr Lund, rector of the said parish, from Galatians 6:2: “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” I spent the afternoon in company with my brother, Sam Jenner and myself (Joseph Fuller staying all night). Came home about 11:20, sober…

A fine calm and serene day, but I think never to go so far to church again, for company dissipates the thought so much that the good impressions which the service of the church should have on the mind is, I doubt, too much obliterated.

Friday, June 25 1762

…At home all day. In the afternoon drew up articles for a club in this parish to enter into to indemnify any of the society from serving in the militia by raising a fund to pay the money charged upon anyone by Act of Parliament who shall be chosen by lot and refuse to serve or to provide a substitute to serve in their stead. Mrs Durrant having company, Mr Buller lodged at my house.

Thursday, June 24 1762

Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 13 lbs of beef at 3d. In the forenoon a relation of my servant’s came to see her and dined with me on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some beef-steaks fried.

Dame Cornwell Jr and Mrs Durrant drank tea with me. Spent the evening at Mr Hook’s in company with Mr Pike, Mr Long, Joseph Fuller Jr, Thomas Durrant and Thomas Davy. Came home about 11:10, sober. Mr Pike lodged at my house all night. Ah, how melancholy a time do I at present know.