Sunday, August 24 1755

Paid Thomas Fuller Jr the butcher 4/2½ for 12 lbs of beef received the 21st, 3/-, and a loin of lamb today, 4 ¼ lbs, 14½d. My wife and I at church in the morning; the text in Matthew 11:29: “and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your souls.” After dinner my wife and I went out, proposing to go to Laughton church, but heard there was none on the road, so we went to Horsted. Called on Mr Hill, but he was gone to church. Did not stay, but came again directly. Found Master Diggens and his man had been at our house; he came again in the evening; smoked a pipe or two with me. Read two “nights” in Young’s Night Thoughts, which I think very fine.

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