Tuesday, December 2 1755

Paid Francis Smith in cash 7/-, which…makes the money I have paid him in all 47.8.0 and is in full for the money he has paid for me in London as (under):

To Mr Thomas Calverley & Son in full paid on the 13th November 8.11.0

On the 20th November to Mr Read in full for Mr Gilmore of Battle, powder maker 3.10.0

a ditto on the 20th to Messrs Margesson and Collinson 25.0.0

ditto on the 26th to Mr John Crouch          10.0.0

ditto for 2 gallons of brandy                0.7.0

I also gave him £10 which he is to pay in London for me this week. I ordered Messrs Margesson and Collison to pay Messrs Neal & Daker — [left blank] in full. This day Mr Vine Sr sent me a loin of pork; I gave the boy that brought it 6d. At home all day; marked up a parcel that came from Messrs Grant, Barlow and Wigginton on Saturday last. In the evening read part of the 3rd volume of Tournefort’s Voyage into the Levant.

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