In the morning George Richardson called and breakfasted with me. He stayed and dined with us, as did my brother William and George Martin, who both came in after breakfast. We had for dinner a hog’s cheek, light pudding, plum suet pudding, greens and potatoes. About 2 o’clock my brother Moses and sister Sally came to see us. George Richardson went for Dallington about 2:30. After churchtime Master Diggens came in and smoked a pipe or 2 with us. George Martin went away as soon as he came from church. My brother Moses and Master Diggens went away about 6:10, as did my brother William about 9:25; my sister Sally stayed all night. In the evening I drew up the form of a will to send to Thomas Mepham on board H.M.S. TORBAY in order for him to write over again. I wrote it at the desire of Robert Hook, who was desired to get it written by Thomas Mepham. In it he gives all the moneys that may be due to him at the time of his death, either as prize money or pay, to be equally divided between his brother Joseph and sisters Elizabeth, Martha and Lucy, share and share alike, and also makes them all joint executor and executrices… At home all day but not at church all day. A very sharp wind all day, and in the morning a frost.