Mr Ormeroid breakfasted with us and dined, as did Charles Diggens, on a roast goose, a piece of bacon, plum batter pudding and broccoli. We smoked a pipe or two and then went down to Jones’s, where we drank one bowl of punch and two mugs of bumboo; Mr Ormeroid went away after the punch. I spent 12d and came home again in liquor. Oh, with what horrors does it fill my breast to think I should be guilty of doing so–and on a Sunday, too! Let me once more endeavor never, no, never to be guilty of the same again. I am certain it proceeds, not from the love of liquor, but from a too easy temper and want of resolution. Not at church all day. In the morning there was no churching, Mr Porter not being well, and in the afternoon Laughton curate preached here. I this day made an offer to Charles Diggens to take him in partnership with me in the Framfield shop, which he agreed to on my proposal; to wit, to bring in half the value of the stock and, if he had not money enough, to be bound with him to anybody so far as £100, he paying the interest, and if that was not enough, for him to pay me interest at 4 percent for enough to make up half the stock.