Sunday, September 5 1756

This morning I determined to set out for London on Wednesday morning next if I can get in any money, which I make question I shall not. However, I sent my maid with a letter to Mr Darby for his balance against the time. Myself, wife and nephew at church in the morning; the text in Proverbs 12:26: “The righteous is more excellent than his neighbor.” We dined on a duck pudding and French beans. My whole family at church in the afternoon, the text in Acts 17:31: “Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained.” After churchtime paid the poor; viz.,

To Dame Pilfold0.6.0
To Streeter for doing for do.0.3.0
To Trill0.5.0

Joseph Mepham buried today. At home all day. My brother came over in the evening to go to work at Marchant’s tomorrow. He and James Marchant supped at our house. I this day asked the two Mr Vines for the balance of their accounts against the time I appointed to set out for London, but find I shall not go for there is no money to be had.

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