My brother and Mr Streton breakfasted with us and went away immediately. I paid John Cayley on the parish account 22.10.0 in full for 1½ years’ rent due for Sinden’s mill to Mrs Browne at St Michael last. Sent by Mr Thomas Smith, in a book, to Messrs Margesson and Collison in cash £46…
We dined on a piece of pork, turnip greens and potatoes. This day balanced accounts with Robert Hook and there remains due to me 0.6.1½. Also balanced accounts with Master Piper and received of him 6/6 in full to this day. Paid John Durrant 0.5.9¾ in full. Rec’d of Richard Marchant 7/- in full for poor tax and paid him then 19/- in full. Paid Mr Joseph Burgess the 10/- borrowed of him the 25th March last, and he also agreed to be put in the poor book as electioner for overseer. At home all day. Thomas Davy sat with us in the evening.