In the morning my brother came over and breakfasted with us, and after that we packed up my wool, with the assistance of James Marchant’s man… My brother and James Marchant’s man dined with us on a loin of mutton roasted in the oven with a plain batter pudding under it, with the remains of yesterday’s dinner. After dinner my brother and I rode over to Framfield, and, with the help of Charles Diggens, packed up my mother’s wool… I received of my mother in cash 14.2.0, with which (after I had stayed and drunk tea at my mother’s) I called at Mr Peckham’s as I came home and paid him… Mrs Browne drank tea with my wife. This evening we had as violent a tempest of thunder, lightning and rain as almost I ever knew. It began about 6:20 and continued till about 10 o’clock, though I believe the most sharpest part of it was about 9 o’clock. I got home about 5 minutes before it was so severe.