Monday, August 8 1757

…Down at Halland once. This day the assizes held at Lewes before the Rt Hon Lord Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, and Mr Justice Denison. 8 prisoners were tried; viz., Thomas Sheather and Robert Rutley for violently assaulting, beating and abusing Robert Dunk and Anthony Goddard on the King’s highway, and taking from them 25 sacks of wheat, value £40; Sheather was acquitted and Rutley found guilty—death; the judge reprieved him before he left the town; Henry Boxall, concerned in a riot–to be transported for 7 years; John Smith, Richard Hopkins and John Hawkins, concerned in riots–acquitted, nobody appearing against them; Jonathan Evans for stealing a bed-tick, bolster etc. was discharged by proclamation; John Ayling, attained at the assizes before, was ordered to be transported for 14years.

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