After we had breakfasted, John French carried my sister Ann Slater to Lewes (on my mare), he being a-going there for his sister Molly. I gave them 2d to pay the turnpike. My whole family at church in the morning; the text in James 4:3: “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” We dined on a lamb’s lights and mint boiled and minced, the head boiled, the brain and tongue boiled, the heart in a pudding, a piece of pork, carrots and a suet pudding with raisins in it. My whole family at church in the afternoon; viz., my wife, self, maid and 2 boys… At home all day, and nobody at our house all day. In the evening and in the day read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons.