Monday, September 5 1757

In the morning my brother came over to inform me that Mr Stone of Stonebridge was dead (and that he died. very suddenly). After staying at my house about a quarter of an hour, he went to Stonebridge to ask for the funeral, and I walked over to Framfield where I had not been long before [he came back], but without any success, for he could not get to serve the funeral. I dined at my mother’s in company with Mr William Bennett on some cold beef, French beans and a butter pudding cake… I came walking home. My brother and Mr Bennett came and brought me going on my road part of the way. At home all the remaining part of the day. In the evening read one Tillotson’s sermons. Now let me reflect on the sudden death of Mr Stone, who went to bed in seemly good health about 9 o’clock and was found dead about 11. Oh, what a sudden change is here! What a lesson of mortality to teach mankind always to be in a state prepared to meet death!…

[89 words omitted].

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