Wednesday, September 28 1757

In the morning I set out for Pevensey, where I arrived about 10:20, and after staying about half an hour, Mr John Breeden and I rode to Ninfield in order to hire the shop there, but when we came to Ninfield, we could not hire it, the shop not being parted with as yet. Mr Breeden and I dined at the Spread Eagle on some mutton chaps (as did my family at home on a duck pudding and turnips). We stayed at Ninfield about 3:40 when we parted, and thanks be to God I got home very safe and sober about 6:55. I spent this day 2/-; viz.,

The turnpike0.0.2
Our dinner, i.e., botho.0.9
Horses and beer0.1.1

In the evening I read one of Tillotson’s sermons.

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