Tuesday, November 1 1757

Rec’d of Thomas Ling by his wife in cash on account 0.10.6; Dame Ling stayed and breakfasted with us… Balanced accounts with Mr Samuel Beckett and paid him 14/- in full to the 29th September inclusive; viz.,

Myself Dr.
To a bill of carriage from the 30th June to the 29th September, both days inclusive8.3.11
Per Contra Cr.
28th October in cash5.0.0
To 48 yds Irish at 12¼ and carriage2.9.4½
In cash today0.14.0

Mary Heath a-washing for us all day… My father Slater came to our house from Lewes about 4:40 and stayed all night. Thomas Davy at our house in the evening, and he and I played at cribbage; I lost 10d. Paid Mary Heath 13½d for 1½ days’s washing. At home all day. Read part of Josephus’s Jewish Antiquities.

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