Tuesday, December 13 1757

George Richardson called and breakfasted with us. My brother came over in the forenoon, but did not stay. I received of him in cash, on account of my mother 11.4.6, which with £6 my mother is to pay to Mr John Smith of Hempstead makes the sum of 17.4.6, which sum I am to send to Mr Robert Plumer for her (it being in full on her account due to him). Now when my mother has paid the afore-mentioned £6 to Mr John Smith of Hempstead, that with the £14 I sent by my servant the 4th instant makes the sum of £20 and is in full for the bill I received from him (on Mr John Thomson) by my brother the 25th Nov. of the same value; that is £20. We dined on a piece of beef boiled, an apple and light pudding, turnips and potatoes. Mr Stone paid my wife another visit today…

This day about 2:10 died Mary Shoesmith, child maid at the Rev Mr Porter’s, after about 10 days’ illness. How should such instances of mortality awaken mankind to provide and think of eternity! This poor girl was cut off in the prime of her youth, nay, even before she arrived to years of mature understanding, not being 17. Oh, let mankind consider that no age or sex is exempt from death. No, nor the most sanguine and florid constitution but must sooner or later be subject to it. But what is it that makes mankind so tremble at the approach of death? Only their vices which darken and cast a cloud on the understandings of poor deluded mortals, for by sin death entered into the world and entailed that curse on all the posterity of Adam; “dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return.” Would men but seriously reflect upon this and refrain from evil and do good and return unto the Lord their God, who hath promised mercy and forgiveness (unto them that truly and sincerely repent them of their sins and perform works meet for repentance) in and through the merits and redemption of our blessed Savior Jesus Christ; I say, would mankind but do this, then the prospect of death would be out as a translation from a life of misery to an eternal and endless state of bliss and happiness.

Rec’d of Thomas Dallaway 5/6 on account. Sent my mother by my brother 2 ducks. At home all day. In the evening read part of Horneck’s Great Law of Consideration. Paid 3d for 5 whiting bought today. Sent by Beckett today 16½ lbs old brass, copper etc.

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