Paid Mr Sam Beckett in cash 3.10.0 in full for 112 ells of canvas at 7½d, which I bought of him and also received the 29th November. We dined on a piece of beef roasted in Marchant’s oven, and a light pudding and turnips. At home all day and indifferently busy. In the evening Peter Cornwell made me a present of 6 trout, for which I gave him 6d, though in gratitude I must say it was not enough. But the smallness of my finances would not admit of more. My wife very lame all day with an ulcer lately broken out on her left leg. In the evening read part of Tillotson’s Rule of Faith and part of Sherlock on judgment. Sent by Beckett to Mr Richard Norfolk 9 3/8 lbs old pewter.