Paid Dame Trill (by Anne Braizer) 2/- on the parish account for Mr Joseph Burgess. My brother came over in the forenoon with some lump sugar for me. He stayed and dined with us on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a light pudding, potatoes and some broth made from the sheep’s head and bell boiled yesterday.
Paid Shelley, Mr Goldsmith’s carter of Waldron, 5/6 for 5 pks. of malt he bought at Lewes for me today. At home all day. In the evening wrote my London letters. Thomas Davy at our house about an hour. I wrote a letter for Mr Jeremiah French to Albert Nesbitt Esq with a present of some game. Read part of the 6th volume of Medical Essays. A very sharp, cold, frosty day.