Wednesday, January 11 1758

This day I gave a man 6d, who came about, a-begging for the prisoners, in Horsham gaol, three of which are clergymen. Two of them are in for acting contrary to the laws of man (but, in my opinion, not to the laws of God); that is, for marrying contrary to the Marriage Act. The other is in for stealing of some linen (but I hope he is innocent).

Dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a light pudding and some potatoes… The gardener at Halland drank tea at our house. In the evening I was sent for down to Mr Porter’s in order to make a list of such poor people in this parish as we should think proper to give Mr Atkins’s charity to. Mr Atkins, when he died, gave to this parish the sum of £100 forever, for the interest of the said sum to be yearly distributed by the minister and churchwarden for the time being, to such poor people and in such sums as they should think proper, and at the same time to have regard to such as are the greatest objects of charity, and to prefer the greatest object of charity before the less. The money Mr Piper and Mr Burgess have upon their bond at £4 percent per annum, which this year’s interest we propose to distribute after evening service next Sunday to the following people, and to each the sum annexed:

To Richard Braizer0.3.0Widow Smith0.2.0
Burrage0.7.0John Streeter0.2.0
Ed Babcock0.1.0Susan Swift0.2.0
Robert Baker0.2.0Will Slarks0.4.0
Widow Cain0.2.0Francis Turner0.2.0
Widow Cornwell0.2.0Richard Trill0.5.0
Thomas Dallaway0.2.0Sarah Thunder0.3.0
John Durrant0.5.0Thomas Tester0.7.0
Dan0.3.0Richard Vinal0.4.0
James Emery0.2.0Ann Woods0.1.0
Richard Heath0.2.0Will Eldridge0.7.0
Richard Prall0.3.0Thomas Ling0.3.0
Widow Paris0.1.0Sam Jenner0.3.0

I received of Mr Porter the said £4 in order to get it changed for silver. In the first part of the evening read part of Horneck’s Great Law of Consideration, and in the later part of the evening Thomas Davy at our house, to whom I read part of Sherlock on judgment.

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