Friday, January 27 1758

At home all day. We dined on the remains, of Wednesday and yesterday’s dinners with the addition on a cheap kind of soup, the receipt for making of which I took out of The Universal Magazine[1] for December as recommended (by James Stonehouse MD at Northampton) to all poor families as a very cheap and nourishing food. The following is the receipt:

“Take half a pound of beef, mutton, or pork, cut into small pieces; half a pint of peas, three sliced turnips, and three potatoes cut very small, an onion or two, or a few leaks; put to them three quarts and a Pint of water; let it boil gently on a very slow fire about two hours and an half, then thicken it with a quarter Pound of ground Rice, and half a quarter of a Pound of oatmeal(or a quarter of a Pound of Oatmeal and no rice); Boil it for a quarter of an hour after the thickening is put in Stirring it all the time; then season it with salt, ground Pepper or pounded ginger to your taste.”

This in my opinion is a very good palatable cheap nourishing diet. John Watford and his wife and James Marchant drank tea at our house. In the evening read part of the 6th volume of Medical Essays.


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