Ash Wednesday, February 8 1758

In the afternoon wrote a bond of indemnity from Osborne to this parish for the bastard child of Mary Hubbard. In the evening Thomas Daw signed the mortgage of his house etc. in Waldron to Mr Will Piper for £20, and also a bond to perform covenants, both of which were dated the 20th December 1757. The mortgage, deed and also the bond to perform covenants were witnessed by myself, Robert Hook and Joseph Burgess. After the said mortgage was signed, Mr Burgess and I gave Thomas Daw the note of hand for £20 which he gave us the 12th of November last.

I lent Mr Burgess in cash £7, for which he gave me his note of hand, payable to me or bearer on demand, which money he gave Thomas Daw, which with the 20/- Daw allowed towards making writings etc. makes £8 which was agreed by a public vestry the 24th of October last to be given to Daw and also ½ ton iron, which he has had, and 1 chaldron of coals which is yet more to come. Rec’d of Thomas Daw 13/2 in full. Mr Burgess, T. Daw and Robert Hook stayed till near 10 o’clock. At home all day. Read part of the Medical Essays.

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