Thursday, February 9 1758

In the forenoon Mr Thomas Osborne of this parish and his son Thomas Osborne, blacksmith of Uckfield, came and signed a bond, the obligation of which was £40, and the condition was for them jointly or severally, their, or either of their heirs etc. to indemnify and save harmless this parish from all charges whatsoever that shall or may at any time hereafter be on account of the female bastard child of Mary Hubbard, of which she was delivered the 4th ult. in this parish, and of which she declared Thomas Osborne the elder to be the father in her examination taken in writing upon oath before George Courthope Esq the 3rd of this instant.

The said bond was witnessed by Robert Hook. Thomas Osborne the younger also gave me his note of hand, payable to me or bearer on demand for value received 1.1.8½, which was also witnessed by Robert Hook. The money was for expenses we have already been at on the girl’s account; viz.,

For carrying her to Uckfield the 26th Oct., 17570.4.2½
Do. the 3rd instant0.9.0
To John Watford for himself and house0.2.6
Do. to making the bond  0.6.0

Mr Will Piper signed a note of hand to John Watford, payable to him or order at 3 months’ notice for £20 with £4 percent per annum, dated the 20th December last. (I witnessed the said note). This note was for money which John Watford let Thomas Daw have and which the mortgage was made to Mr Piper for, John Watford rather choosing to take Mr Piper’s note than the mortgage. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 2 stone 3 lbs beef, 4/9. We dined on a suet pudding, Savoy greens and Jerusalem artichokes. In the evening Master Hook and I walked to Mugridge’s to know how much land either Thomas or Henry Osborne hired of him, when he told us Thomas Osborne paid him the yearly rent of 1.9.0 per year. We came home about 9:20. In the day read part of the Medical Essays.

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