…After dinner I went down to the parish meeting at Jones’s, where I made up the accounts between Mr Joseph Burgess the present overseer and the parish, and there remains due to the parish 11.7.6. There was the most unanimity at this vestry that I ever did see at any one before, there being not the least discord imaginable, nor did I observe above 2 oaths sworn during the whole time of the vestry, which was from between 12 and 1 o’clock to ten. We stayed till about 10:10 and then came home, and all sober.
We spent 3d apiece after the money allowed by the parish was spent. Our company was Mr Porter, Mr Joseph and Thomas Fuller, Jeremiah French, Joseph Burgess, Richard Page, Robert Hook, Joseph Durrant, John Cayley, Will Rice, Edmund Elphick, Will Piper, John Vine, John Watford, Thomas Carman and myself. The officers nominated for the year ensuing were Joseph Burgess, churchwarden, Joseph Fuller, electioner; Thomas Fuller, overseer, John Cayley, electioner.
Very busy all day. Paid Sam Elphick 2/7½ in full for 1 leg of veal received by him today, weight 9 lbs at 3½d…