Tuesday, March 14 1758

At home all day. Paid Mr Thomas Carman in cash and goods 1.4.0 in full for 27 bushels sea coal. We dined on the remains of Sunday’s dinner. Mr John Burgess of Hartfield called on us again, but did not stay. Mrs French, Mrs Coates, Mr and Mrs Porter, Thomas Fuller and his wife, Mr Piper and his wife and Mr Calverley drank tea with us. They together with Mr Coates, Mr French and Joseph Fuller stayed and spent the evening with us and played at brag. My wife and I lost 3/6. They all stayed and supped with us on some salt fish, a dish of Scotch collops with force meat balls, a piece of cold roast beef, some potted beef, a cold baked rice pudding, bouillis, and gooseberry tarts, celery, watercresses, egg sauce, cold ham and parsnips. They all stayed, except Mrs Coates, until near 6 o’clock, and many of them not sober.

The old frantic sports went on as usual. But now I hope all revelling for this season is over, and may I never more be discomposed with too much drink or the noise of an obstreperous multitude, but may I once more calm my troubled mind and soothe my disturbed conscience with future goodness. Oh, may all the transitory fleeting foolish pleasures of this life be no more in my thoughts, but let me lay hold on that durable and permanent happiness that fadeth not away, but remaineth eternal in the heavens. Oh, may I have the unspeakable pleasure to hear that comfortable sentence pronounced of: “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation…”

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