In the morning went up to the dwelling-house of the late James Hutson, there being a sale, and when. I came there, I found he was absconded. Oh, ungrateful news, considering he owes me £10!… After dinner Mr Burgess and I walked over to Uckfield, I in order to consult an attorney, and he to consult Mr Courthope concerning Mr Hutson’s affair. When we came there, we found no attorney at home. Mr Courthope informed Mr Burgess that he could not tell what to do in his affair; that is, how far he could distrain for poor tax. We came back and drank tea at my mother’s and came home about. 5:40. Mr Burgess and I spent 3d each. Very busy all day. A most remarkable fine day, and I think as warm as is common in May. Paid Mr Halland 3/6 for the hire of his horse to Seaford the 7th instant, which money borrowed of Mr Burgess.