Wednesday, April 26 1758

About 9:20 Halland gardener called on me in order to go to our club feast at Mayfield, and, we accordingly both set out together. We arrived about 11:20. I called and stayed a while with Mrs Day and dined at the Star on 2 pieces of roast beef, 1 piece of boiled, a fillet of veal roasted and plum puddings, in company with near 40 or more.

We stayed till about 6:20 when I came home very safe, but very much in liquor about 8:20. Oh, how does the thought of it torment my poor distracted conscience. Sure I am possessed with some demon that I must be so stupid! But what can I do? I cannot undo what I have too often done; no, I cannot, put this I will do: never to be guilty of the like again. In my absence my brother came over and stayed with my wife… My wife in my absence borrowed of Robert Hook in way of change 5/6.

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