Monday, June 12 1758

This day received of John Browne 8.5.10 in full on account of Mr James Hutson; viz.,

Mr James Hutson Dr.
To a bill of sundry goods delivered12.10.10¼
Per Contra Cr.
Rec’d by 31 weeks’ horse-keeping2.11.0
Do. by wood and faggots1.14.0
Do. By cash today8.5.0

A journeyman carpenter at work for me today a-jobbing; he dined with me on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. This day we had a very fine shower, which appears to be very seasonable, there having been almost a continual drought for near 10 weeks past. Paid James Marchant the 5/- borrowed of him on Saturday last. Paid the carpenter 2/-.

At home all day, and my wife very ill. A melancholy time; trade very dull, and my wife very ill. But this, is the hand of God; therefore I hope to bear it patiently, knowing that our manifold wickednesses deserve many and great afflictions. Oh, may those misfortunes have that effect upon us which they should have upon all mankind and that they may rouse us from a supine and lethargic state of life unto a state of holiness and that we may have a just sense of our past follies and say with holy David that it is good for us that we have been afflicted; that we may learn thy statutes. The gardener at Halland made my wife a present of some garden beans.

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