Monday, June 26 1758

In the morning Mr Will Piper brought me in cash 9.12.0 and by sundry bills of repairs and land tax receipt 4.6.0, which makes together the sum 13.18.0, which he desired I would send by the carrier tomorrow to Mr Allen Chatfield, distiller in Croydon, it being in full for 1 year’s rent due at Lady Day last to Mrs Mary Mills at Carshalton; Viz.,

James Fielder’s bill0.4.4
John Vine’s do.0.10.0
John Potter’s do.0.8.9
Mr Piper’s do.0.11.11
Joseph Durrant’s do.0.3.0
1 year’s land tax2.8.0
3 thirty-six shilling pieces5.8.0
2 twenty-seven [shilling] pieces2.14.0
1 guinea1..1.0
9 shillings0.9.0

I gave Mr Piper my note for the money until he has his receipt. In the forenoon I was sent for down to Mr Porter’s, where I got myself pretty well huffed for only my looks, which I think verifies the old proverb that a man’s looks will hang him; though if mine was deserving of blame, it was innocently. The case was this: Some time ago Mr Porter desired I would send for a Suffolk cheese for him, which I accordingly did. After he had had it some time, he sent for me and desired I would take half of it again and he would allow me, for he did no ways desire I should be a loser by it. Now I readily took it without any the least reluctance, no-ways thinking, as he asked me to take but half, that I must offer to take the whole (which I believe was his quarrel against me). So if my looks deserved blame, it was contrary to my inclination and therefore of consequence innocently; though I believe if I had understood Mr Porter’s language; that is, the tongue to speak a different language from what the intentions of the heart are, and had offered to take the whole, all had been well. But however after he had vented his passion, he gave me orders for a coat…

After dinner I set out for Lewes on my mare, where I bought 2 3/8 yds of superfine cloth of Mr Madgwick (for Mr Porter), for which I paid him 38/-. Came home by Mr Goad’s at Laughton where I looked upon his and Mr Sam Gibbs’s wool, and I am to have Goad’s at 7½d if I buy Mr Gibbs’s. I called on Mr Gibbs’s, but he was not at home. I came home about 7:50 and had never eaten nor drunk the time I was gone. In the evening wrote my London letter. My brother came over in the morning, but did not stay.

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