Thursday, June 22 1758

After breakfast my brother went home… Gave Daniel Wicker 12d for carrying my wife yesterday. Thomas Cornwell a-gardening for me about 2 hours; he dined with us on the remains of Tuesday and yesterday’s dinners. Rec’d of John Jenner of Hailsham 3 hats at 15d, 20d, 24d, 30d and 36/-, which amounts to 1.11.3 [?]. I paid him by a book debt and goods 2.7.9, which is 16/6 more than the hats came to, for which sum he is to send me 3 hats at 3/6 and 3 at 2/-…

In the evening about 10:10 my brother came over again; he supped and stayed with us all night. A very lonely time, having nobody all the day but a poor, wild girl to take care of the household affairs. At home all day and thank God pretty busy. In the day read part of Wiseman’s Chyrurgery.

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