Tuesday, June 13 1758

Paid John Seaman 1.0.11 for 33½ lbs wool received from him today. We dined on the remains of Sunday’s dinner with the addition of some garden beans. Mr Mason of Eastbourne called on me [according to a previous] letter sent him some time since in order to treat with Mr Elless and myself about instructing us in the art of land-measuring. Now it is very probable the busy world may be greatly concerned to know what I can want to learn to measure land for, and I myself can give no other reason than as my trade is very bad and misfortunes attend me, and I have at present no other prospect than that of an approaching state of poverty, therefore I humbly hope this may one time or other be of some service to me. And should it so happen that it is not, I hope it will never be of any disservice but only the small expense of learning the same.

My wife continues very ill. In the evening read part of the 11th book of Milton’s Paradise Lost.

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