Saturday, July 22 1758

In the forenoon Mr and Mrs French here a-taking up 2 coats for Mr French. Mrs French breakfasted with us. Between 11 and 12 o’clock we had a very heavy shower of rain and several loud claps of thunder, though seemingly very distant, we not having above one flash of lightning which was perceived by us here. Mr Gibbs made me a present of a shoulder of venison. I gave his son 12d. Thomas Cornwell made me a present of two carp; I gave him 6d. This day has been a very busy one, having done I believe 8 pounds’ worth of business,… At home all day. This is the 23rd day on which we have had rain successively. Mrs Rice called on us in the afternoon, but did not stay my longer than buying her goods, which was a good parcel. In the day read part of Gay’s Fables and in the evening part of Sherlock on judgment.

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