Sunday, July 9 1758

In the morning my brother came over; he stayed and breakfasted with us, and about 10:50 we both set off together, he for Framfield, and I for Lewes. I dined with Mrs Madgwick on part of a loin of veal roasted, a suet pudding and white cabbage (my wife at home dining on some bread and cheese). I paid Mr Ed Verral in cash 0.17.6, which with 4d in bad copper which he allowed makes 0.17.10 and is in full for the sum total collected in this present year upon all the briefs read in our church. I called upon Mrs Scrase. I came home about 7:20… A very wet showery day. In the evening read some little of Sherlock of judgment. Neither my wife or self at church all day.

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