Sent the widow Mott in the Cliffe near Lewes, by John Streeter the post in cash 20.16.0…which sum is in full for principal and interest due on a bond some time about the present. My brother came over in the morning, but did not stay any time.
About 1:45 I went down to Mr Porter’s, where I dined on a buttock of beef and another piece boiled, a sirloin roasted and three raisin suet puddings, in company with Mr Porter, Mr Piper, Joseph Burgess, William Jenner, Joseph Durrant, John Cayley, Ed Hope, Richard Hope, John Mugridge, John French, Mr Morris, John Martin, Thomas Rice and Edward Foord. I paid Mr Porter 8/- in full for one year’s tithes and came home about 5:50.
Rec’d by the post from Mrs Sarah Mott a bond in which my father and I were bound to her and her husband Ben Mott (since deceased) in the sum of £20 with interest at £4 percent per annum, which bond was dated November 28, 1750. In the evening Thomas Davy at our house, to whom I read one of Tillotson’s sermon.