Monday, July 30 1759

Balanced accounts with Mr Will Piper and received of him 9d in full to this day.

Rec’d of Mr Will Piper in cash8.14.8
To one receipt for 1 year’s land tax due at Lady Day last         2.8.0
To 1 receipt for 6 years’ quit-rent due St Michael last     2.0.0
To s carpenter’s bill; viz., Mr Vine’s              0.15.4

which together makes the sum of 13.18.0 and is in full for 1 year’s rent due at Lady Day last to Mrs Mary Mills for a farm which Master Piper uses and which money etc. he wants me to transmit to Mr Allen Chatfield at Croydon for Mrs Mill’s use (it being to be paid there by her order). I gave Mr Piper my receipt acknowledging the receipt of 8.14.8… My brother came over today and drank tea at our house in company with Molly French of our parish and Molly French of Bourne [daughter of yet another Jeremiah French, an innkeeper]. At Halland twice today. In the afternoon wrote my London letters. Thank God very busy.

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