Monday, October 15 1759

In the forenoon my cousin Charles Hill came to see me and dined with us on a shoulder of mutton roasted, a light and bread pudding and potatoes. In the afternoon we went out for a walk and called in at Mr French’s, when I paid Mrs French 5/3 in full for the remains of Mr French’s hop-money which Mr Tomlin advises he has [been] paid to Mr Will Margesson on my account (and is in full for the mistake Mr Tomlin made) (see the 5th instant). We called in also at Mr Sam Gibbs’s and stayed some little time. We came back and drank coffee.

Mr Hill and Joseph Fuller Jr spent the evening with us and stayed all night, that is, only Mr Hill. We played at cribbage; I won 2d… Rec’d of John Midmire [10/-] on account, which is all gain and more than I ever thought of having of him. Thank God very busy most part of the day.

My cousin Hill, having been a surgeon on board a man of war, as also a letter of marque to Jamaica, entertained us in the evening with some of the incidents he met with in his voyages, but all in a modest manner, very unlike most modern travellers.

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