Lent John Jones by Winifred Akehurst in cash 1.1.0. Paid Joseph Fuller 12d for a part of a foreloin of pork, weighing 3½ lbs at 3½d per lb received of him today… Paid John Gosling Jr as under:
To 2 cwt 1 qr 26 lbs of rags which he sold for me at Maidstone fair at 31/6 per cwt | 3.18.3 |
In cash today | 0.0.6 |
3.18.9 | |
Per contra Cr. | |
To 2 cwt 3 qr 2½ lbs Cheshire cheese rec’d by him today at 27/- | 3.14.10½ |
Carriage of rags | 0.3.9 |
3.18.7½ |
I then paid him in cash 0.12.10½ which was for a mistake made the 22nd June last. I then received of him 1½ hundred of sugar at 50/- instead of 1¼ hundred, which with the carriage is 12/10½. At home all day and thank God very busy. In the afternoon my brother came over and borrowed my horse to go to Lewes upon. In the evening read the extraordinary Gazette for Wednesday, which gives on account of our army in America, under the command of General Wolfe, beating the French army under General Montcalm (near the city of Quebec), wherein both the generals were killed, as also two more of the French generals, and the English General Monckton, who took the command after General Wolfe was killed, was shot through the body, but is like to do very well; as also the surrender of the city of Quebec, with the articles of capitulation.
Oh what pleasure is it to every true Briton to see with what success it pleases Almighty God to bless his Majesty’s arms with, they having success at this time in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, and I think in this affair our generals, officers and common men have behaved with uncommon courage and resolution, having many and great difficulties to encounter before they could bring the city to surrender.