Friday, December 7 1759

After breakfast Mr John Breeden went away. I received of him a note of hand payable to me or order on demand for 10.1.3, which is the balance of the account between us, due to me; viz.,

Mr John Breeden Dr.
To cash paid him the 4th or 5th instant by Mr Will Margesson, pursuant to my order given him the 1st instant20.0.0
To ½ bushel oatmeal0.2.9
To 2 lbs pepper dust0.0.6
To 202 heath brooms0.13.0
To ½ piece of narrow cloth from my brother0.13.0
Per contra Cr.
To 1½ hundred pepper9.15.0
To carriage of do.0.1.6
To assisting me in appraising my late mother’s effects, which is on my brother’s account1.11.6
To the note of hand received today10.1.3

that on this account I have paid 18/6 for my brother; viz.,

My brother Dr.
To money paid Mr Breeden as before1.11.6
To the ½ piece cloth sent him by my brother, as before0.13.0

We dined on a piece of beef boiled, a raisin suet pudding, turnips and potatoes. Rec’d of Mr Alexander Whitfield 9/11½ in full on my account. As also received of him 2.19.0 on account of Samuel Shoesmith, it being for things bought of his late brother’s, James Shoesmith’s; vis.,

To all the furniture of the school, late occupied by James Shoesmith, except one cupboard2.2.0
To all the wood, late Mr Shoesmith’s0.17.0

Paid Mr Thornton 3/3 for 4 rabbits and ¼ 1b of antimony which he bought for me. At home all day. Joseph Fuller and Mr Thornton smoked a pipe or 2 with me. This day had an invitation from Mr Coates to come and smoke a pipe with him tomorrow night. Mr Whitfield drank tea at our house.

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